Here is what you need to know...
We are available for admission all year round. However there are some regulations that we comply with.
Hrashq Pre-School, with its two facilities all together will care for a maximum of 133 children. This number is based on the indoor and outdoor square footage of the child care facility as well as the number of child care providers on staff.
To Start The Admission
First call us or send us an email to know about the available spots. You will either start the admission process (if there are available spots) or be waitlisted for future attendance.
Second if you are told that you might start the admission you should fill out all the required forms for preschool admission. The forms can be found online here.
Moreover additional information will be provided to you about the financial aid, registration fees and tuition fees.
Personal Background/Qualifications
We provide care for children between the ages of 2-5.
Hrashq Pre-School strictly complies with child care regulations regarding child-to-staff ratios.
Hrashq Pre-School’s location on Hamlin St. accommodates 53 students, while the location on Hazeltine Ave. is capable of accommodating 80 students.